eLML news:

eLML support and contact

Since eLML is an open source project, we do not have office opening hours and telephone support. Before contacting our email support, please check the following section on how to submit bugs or feature requests:

  • Submit a bug: Check the Bugtracker if your bug is already listed, if not please submit it.
  • Need a new feature: Submit a feature request and/or program the feature yourself.
  • Stay informed: We offer various newsletters depending on your interests.
  • Read the manual: The latest eLML manual and schema documentation is included in the eLML package.
  • Contact tech support: If the above links did not help feel free to submit a support request.

Some of these features only work if you are a registered Sourceforge member. Becoming a member is free and we strongly recommend it because this way we will be able to contact you for any further inquiries. Please try to avoid anonymous tracker submissions!

Contact address

Address Universität Zürich
Multimedia and E-Learning Services MELS
Alberto Sanz
Winterthurerstrasse 190
8057 Zürich
Phone +41 44 635 52 52

The developers of eLML

In the Sourceforge Members Page you will find an up-to-date list of active eLML developers. Many of them are term GITTA team members or working for the MELS, the Multimedia and E-Learning Services of the University of Zurich. The two founders/initiators of eLML are Susanne Bleisch and Joël Fisler. The developers of the different tools and transformations are named in the according chapters. Here's a short overview of past team members:

  • Susanne Bleisch (2001-2012): Founder
  • Joël Fisler (2003-2012): Founder
  • Michael Ziege (2005-2011): EasyELML, LaTeX, make4elml
  • Timon Roth (2005-2007): make4elml
  • Rolf Brugger (2001-2004): Concept&Ideas, Funding
  • Marion Werner (2002-2005): Design
  • Hans-Jörg Zuberbühler (2005-2011): Project Lead UZH
  • Student projects: Webdesigner Alberto Sanz, Thomas Linowsky, Andre Locher

People involved (current or past) with the eLML project

Susanne Bleisch (FHNW) Susanne Bleisch (FHNW)
Joël Fisler (UZH) Joël Fisler (UZH)
Immo Wille (UZH) Immo Wille (UZH)
Webdesigner Alberto Sanz (UZH)
Michael Ziege (Juleg) Michael Ziege (Juleg)
Thomas Comiotto (UZH) Thomas Comiotto (UZH)
Thomas Linowsky (TU Chemnitz) Thomas Linowsky (TU Chemnitz)
Timon Roth Timon Roth
Olaf Schnabel (ETHZ) Olaf Schnabel (ETHZ)
Andreas Zangger (UZH) Andreas Zangger (UZH)
Hansjörg Zuberbühler Hansjörg Zuberbühler
Caspar Nötzli (PHZH) Caspar Nötzli (PHZH)
Franziska Schneider (UZH) Franziska Schneider (UZH)
André Locher (UZH) André Locher (UZH)
Frank Mäder (UZH) Frank Mäder (UZH)
Sandra Roth (UZH) Sandra Roth (UZH)
Renata Sevcikova (UZH) Renata Sevcikova (UZH)
Kristina Isacson (UZH) Kristina Isacson (UZH)
Roman von Wartburg (IFEL) Roman von Wartburg (IFEL)
Lukas Stähli (UZH) Lukas Stähli (UZH)

You're missing on this list? We probably dont have your picture. Send it via email.


eLML is released since April 2010 under the Apache 2 license (until March 2010 it was released under the more restrictive GPL license). Nevertheless we would be happy to get an email from you if you choose to use eLML. Thank you.

Project hosting

The eLML project is hosted at Sourceforge. Sourceforge is a free source code repository for open source projects.
